
Hi, thanks for visiting One Ball Rally and I hope you enjoy your stay!
I have organised this event in order to raise awareness primarily (if you are male, check your balls right this second for any growths!) about testicular cancer and also to raise a bit of cash for the Association of International Cancer Research, who carry out sterling work to combat this terrible disease.

We now have a full bio page of the One Ball Rally Team which you can now find here

More information about our corporate sponsors can be found at:

Friday, 10 August 2007

Breakdown of the event

Hi everyone,
With the event spreading like wildfire through the Internet and word-of-mouth, people have been writing to me asking exactly what is the OBR and what is it all about?

So I'm just going to quickly list why, what, where, who for all the One Ball Rally objectives so everyone knows what its all about!!

Remember, tell your Facebook/Facebook/Bebo friends about this international event (We've had web-hits from Brazil!) and spread the word --> The OneBall rolls on.....!!!!

1)My name is David Cook. I am 23 and have just recovered from testicular & stomach cancer, which was a bit of a nuisance to be honest.

2)Myself & 4 friends who supported me through it all (cheers guys, you're the best mates!) are driving next year from Preston, UK to Baku, Azerbaijan over the course of two/three weeks.

3)The event is provisionally planned for late April next year but is subject to change.

4)It is raising money for both Everyman Testicular Cancer Research & Assoc. of International Cancer Research as both charities helped my family and me through tough times.

5) We have a super logo from Shore Design Studio and also, in a few weeks, will have a brand spanking new website at

6) We have interviews planned with SKY News, GM:TV, Regional BBC News and also interviews planned with various natioanl newspapers for when the website is up and running.

7)The Rally will be stopping at various cities throughout Europe to raise even more money for the charities!

Think that may be it but any more questions/offers of support then let me know at

Thanks, and don't forget to tell your friends!

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